Sad love story
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when rain comes that
we both were get wetted
whole day in rain
and the moments were
storing in the mind,
and again we were eager to
wait for the next rain....
The next rain falls,
but this time
the rainy season
was different............
It happened,
Because you
got married ...
During the monsoon, ๐ง
very much rain felled
from the sky and ๐ง
from my eyes,
This rain is not visible.
you saw that was in the sky.
Then the rain stopped ...
Again the rain came...
You had a husband
with you,
Both of you were getting drench,
enjoying the rain.......
Both of you being wetted,๐ง
were enjoying the rain
you were taking the rain ,
deliberately looking towards
me ...
Then the rain stopped ..........
again rain will come..
next time ,
Maybe with me too
My wife will be ...
Loving me heartfelt,
and will Stays with me
every moment of
the rainy season of my life.
we will too enjoy rain.
deliberately looking
towards you.....
Then you will also understand
what is the difference between
the rain from the eyes
and the sky.......